Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Lociscope

Click on image for bigger view.
The reason that there are 540 (rather than 600) 100mS readings per minute is because I use a servo to rotate "the receiver" through 180 degrees every 54 seconds. The other six seconds are used to return the device to point at the North Star. In this way, a line though the two zener diodes sweeps a path from the North Star, vertically across the sky, to the Southern Cross and back again, every minute. As the earth rotates on it's axis, the entire cosmos is scanned once a day. 

A 100mS average of the differences squared of the two zener rates (sampled each mS)  is plotted with 540 vertical points, corresponding to the distance from the ecliptic (Declination), and 1440 horizontal points, corresponding to the time of day (Right Ascension). The color of each point corresponds to the amount of agreement between the rates of the two zener diodes, with red being good agreement (lower values) and blue being poor agreement (higher values). There should be no preferred direction that effects the amount of agreement, so the graph is expected to be homogenous and/or random in nature. I have finished building this thing and it is time to give it a name. Since it views the cosmos using two point sources, I'm calling it a Lociscope (Lō-kī-skōp).

Viewing the Cosmos

The servo is a little shaky as it scans. I am watching the first 24 hour image build. The image is composed of mostly light green pixels in the mid value range with randomly scattered red, yellow and blue pixels. In the afternoon, there were some broad and diffuse vertical bands of lower values. I suspect these bands to be a temperature artifact, as it was indeed warmer in the afternoon. Other than these broad vertical bands, I do not see any grouping of colors in a particular direction or any obvious pattern to the image. This is what I expected to see if there is no correlation between two point sources of random waveforms and the direction in which the points lie. I plan on making several more images in the days to come and then do some experiments on the effect of temperature on the zener diodes.

The Effect of Temperature

I squeezed a LM35DZ temperature sensor onto the zener "receiver" board and now I read the board's temperature in degrees centigrade on the Arduino's analog INPUT pin A0. The sensor outputs 10.0 mV per Cº and the Arduino converts  each millivolt to  0.2048 decimal, so Arduino decimal =  Cº * 2.048. l  found good linear correlation of the average zener peak rates to the board temperature. Zener #1 average counts per millisecond = Cº * 3.586 + 241 and Zener #2 average counts per millisecond = Cº * 4.639 + 492. The zeners are not very well matched so I'm not surprised that the average difference squared to the temperature correlation is not linear. By calculating a long term average of the difference squared data, I can compensate for drifting temperature and those broad vertical bands on the images become much less pronounced.


I have been collecting Lociscope images for a week now and I have not seen any indication that the orientation of the two point sources of random signals, effect the amount of agreement between the waveforms. Although the images contain multiple colors, corresponding to different amounts of agreement in the short term rates of the signals, the pictures appear to be randomly homogenous in nature and do not contain areas of hot spots or cold spots. The images from successive days are consistently random and each image appears to be unique when compared to the others. I must conclude that there are no directional components when comparing short term rates of these two random signals. These results are consistent with the current understanding of how the universe works. This thread is finished for now, unless I think of a new way to approach this subject. DB

Zener Signal Amplification

The raw Zener signal is around 0.2 V peek to peek. I would like to work with a signal around 5 Vp-p. I am currently using a single power source of 14.7 VDC for the zener and would like to use the same source to power a RF pre amp. I tried using a high speed opamp (TLE2084CN) to amplify the signal with poor results. I got a gain of about two. I am frustrated that I cannot seem to build a decent RF amp. I ordered a small  broadband RF amplifier from ebay ($9.47) and I couldn't get that to work either. 

Click on images for larger pictures.
Things were looking gloomy until I discovered that I could dump all the output current from the zener diode through the base of an NPN transistor (emitter grounded) and voila, a very large sawtooth waveform showed up at the emitter. A voltage gain of 25 with just two additional components! The circuit works a little differently than what I had experimented with before: when no current flows through the transistor base-emitter, voltage builds up on the collector. When the zener fires, the transistor conducts and the collector drops to a couple of volts. A small capacitor  to ground stores enough zener charge to make the transistor's conduction time adequately long for a full discharge at the collector. I am interested in measuring rates of zener firings, so this circuit works fine for me. When I hookup two zener circuits to the same power supply, the zeners do not fire at exactly the same voltage. I am making the in-series zener resistor variable so I can balance the two circuits to behave somewhat similarly.

Peak Counting

Zener amplified output (blue) and
clipped input to Schmitt-trigger (yellow).
Some of the emitter output goes through a 470pF capacitor and a 720 Ω resistor to ground. The small RC constant accentuates the smaller peaks (high pass filter). The RC output is isolated with another capacitor and is the input for a Schmitt-trigger that fires at 3.25 volts on the way up and turns off at 2.75 v on the way down. The input to the Schmitt-trigger is clamped to 3.0 ± 0.7 V by two diodes (one forward and one reverse biased) tied to a 3 volt source. The Schmitt-trigger output is the digital input of  a 14 stage ripple counter (CD4040B). The idea is to use the counter output to determine the number of peaks generated in a given length of time.

I made a small  counter shield board that plugs into pins 22 to 53 of the Arduino Mega. Each of the binary counters have 12 outputs that are wired to Mega banks A, C, G and L (INPUT mode). Using Port instructions, the banks of digital pins can be read all at once. The counters' Reset functions are wired to Mega pins 40 and 41 (OUTPUT mode, Reset = HIGH). To stop counting and to hold the current counter outputs, Mega pins 38 and 39  are set to HIGH (OUTPUT mode) to fix the counter's inputs at 5 volts. The Hold pins are changed to high impedance (INPUT mode) to allow the counters to run again.

Counter input (blue)
Counter Q1 output (yellow)
 Every one millisecond, the Arduino freezes the counter by momentarily holding the counter input high. The Arduino reads the number of counts, then the holds are released and the counters are reset . The counts from each zener channel are averaged and the squares of the differences are summed. At the end of 100 such readings (100 mS), an average between-channel deviation  is calculated and is temporarily stored in the Arduino. Once a minute, the 540 averaged between-channel difference squared values are uploaded to a VB6 program running on the host computer.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Simple Zener Diode Circuit

Click images for bigger view.
I looked at the output of simple circuit composed of a reversed biased 14 volt Zener diode and a 10K resistor, connected in series across a DC power source. If the voltage source was less than the Zener breakdown rating then the voltage at the diode (Vz) is the same as the source voltage and there is no AC waveform at the output. As the source voltage approaches the Zener breakdown, a series of little sawtooth pulses can be see at the output that are of a few mV in height. Increasing the source voltage to about 14.7, the number and the height of the pulses increase to a maximum peak to peak of about 200 mV.

Viewing the output on a Sain Smart DDS140 Digital oscilloscope, I can see that the output is a sawtooth pattern with a rise time of about 2 microseconds and a more rapid fall time of 80 nanoseconds. The slope of the rising edge is dependent on value of the resistor. The frequency does appear to be random, in that peaks beginnings and endings are at irregular intervals and voltages. The scope has a fast Fourier transformation FFT display window that shows a fairly flat frequency spread  between   KHz and 6 MHz with predominant frequencies about 1 MHz. I don't think the frequency spectrum is very useful. I need a way to characterize each pulse.

Some VB6 Tools

Each pulse can be described by three values: the length of the pulse, the high peak voltage where the zener break-down occurs, and the depth of the zener pulse fall. These three values can determine the position of a point in three dimensions and can produce a 3D scattergram of one point for each measured peak. The digital scope outputs a text file with 8000 voltage readings taken across 100 microseconds. I wrote a VB6 program to plot those points, find the high and low peaks and plot a 3D scattergram of the 369 random pulses observed. Yes, it looks to be a fairly random distribution of points in 3D but I cannot think of a practical use for this cool looking 3d data.

As I was looking at random distributions of sawtooth peeks, it occurred to me that given enough data, I could find the probability of a peek occurring at a given voltage. I wrote RandomWaveAnalyzer.exe to analyze raw data text files exported from the SimSmart DD140 digital scope. It looks at the distribution of the sawtooth peeks (and troughs) to find what is the probability that a peek will occur at a given voltage. Surprisingly, the data falls along exponential curves, where the probability equals a coefficient A times the constant e to the power of exponent B times the voltage or,  p = A * e ^ (B * Volts). The program has the ability to perform a least squares regression to find values of A and B for the best curve fit. Typically, the program finds about 20,000 peeks among one million data points.

I wrote RanSim.exe to use the coefficient and exponent values (A & B) that were found with the Analyzer program, to simulate random sawtooth waveforms that are generated by zener diode circuits. About 3,600 peeks are generated during a 10 mS simulation. Probabilities of a peek (or of a trough) occurring at a specific voltage are then calculated on the simulation data and then overlain onto the ideal probability curve graph. I can even export the simulation data and analyze it using the RandomWaveAnalyser.exe tool.

Light and Dark Experiments

Measuring from the digital scope and using the analyze program, I looked at the effect that light had on a 14v zener diode circuit with a 10K resistor at 14.7 volts.

A little bit of light, generally effects the waveform by making the peaks smaller and more frequent. There is no change in the voltage drop across the diode and no significant change in the rate of charge (sawtooth slopes). Light has the effect of narrowing the space between the peak and trough probability curves and markedly increasing the size of the B terms (exponent parameters). Clearly I will have to conduct my experiments in a light proof and in an EMF wave proof box. I would not be surprised if the output was temperature sensitive or sensitive to vibration (sound) or to radiation. I will have to be careful to keep conditions controlled.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Back Story

Science has done a very good job describing the physics of the world around us. What scientists call the laws and theories of physics, describe extremely well almost all the phenomenon that we can observe in the universe. Our understanding is not complete but never-the-less, it is an amazing accomplishment that has occurred quite recently in the history of humans. Currently, there is a tremendous amount of scientific research happening in all fields, motivated by the need to know, by the fame of discovery or by the financial rewards of bringing new products to market.  For better or for worse, what an amazing time to be here to witness these achievements.

I classify myself as a scientist and as an experimenter. When I find a gap in my understanding of how the universe works,  I like to read up on it. Wikipedia is a wonderful resource. Almost always, I discover that others have already had these same questions and there are good explanations available that describe the answer to as deep of a level as one dares to go. The language and math of science is not easy mastered and is, at times, intimidating. I sometimes feel the need to do a simple experiment to prove to myself that what I read is, indeed true. Skepticism is a good thing; it keeps our beliefs true to Reality. It has been my observation, that new discoveries often have come from experiments that do not entirely give the expected results. My interests have been admittedly whimsical, but I think it is important to let your muse take you where she wants to go.


By Greg L at the English language Wikipedia,
I have long thought about the concept of randomness. In the summer of 1966 I took an experimental FORTRAN programming class at the local High school. We communicated by teletype with the IBM computer located at UCLA. Programs were recorded on one inch wide punched paper tape. One of the projects was to write a random walk program. If you did a good job of generating random numbers, the random movements (left-right-up-down) would inevitably bring the printed trail back to near its starting point. Later in college, I used COBAL punch card decks to model predator-prey populations. I modeled how individuals might move about randomly until predator and prey discovered each other and watched how the populations would change in sinusoidal cycles until the simple systems would enviably collapse. Employed as a CLS for 40 years, I have used statistical analysis of control results to generate the gaussian curve of random measurement error.  Indeed, randomness is all about us: in the movement of the perfume molecules in air, in the Brownian movement of particles under the microscope and in the background noise of an AM radio. In this universe, it appears as though things are easily stirred-up but difficult to become organized again. Entropy is a measure of the amount of disorganization that systems contain, where randomized systems have more entropy. Some think the forward arrow of time is fixed due to entropy. Cosmic stuff.

Also in 1966, I received a crystal radio set as a Christmas present. With it, I could easily hear the KTMS AM broadcast from the towers located about two miles from my house. The signal was so strong that I found I could still hear the signal if I removed the coil and capacitor parts of the tuning circuit. Eventually, I found that if I wired the cat whisker diode directly across the ear piece, I could hear the local broadcast by merely touching a single lead of the headset, to a ground. AM radio is not very popular now. Devices have utilized higher frequencies with greater bandwidth. Receiving devices can utilize digital signals from multiple local cell sources. I wonder what this trend looks like when viewed far away in space. I would bet that the huge number of weak digital transmissions would look a lot like random noise. Add data encryption to the mix and would you even be able to tell there were signals emanating from earth?

No Signals from Space

In 1950, Enrico Fermi publicly wondered why intelligent life had not been discovered elsewhere in the universe. The Drake equation estimates of current Milky Way technological civilizations run from less than one to 2.8x10^8. Yet sixty-six years later, Fermi's Paradox still looms. The negative result has not been for a lack of trying; there have been decades of SETI searches. Regardless of the eventual answer, that answer will have extraordinary implications.

Tom Weller 1985
How would an advanced civilization communicate between outposts that were light years apart? EM waves are painfully slow on a galactic scale. I wonder if somewhere in this universe, there is a technology that allows a more efficient form of communication. Think of how fast our technologies have advanced. What could we develop given another 10,000 years? What would this technology be like? If there was a better way to communicate over long distances, then it would be the preferred way to communicate. It could be one explanation why we have not heard anything while listening for radio waves from space. This imagined alien communication technology would cover vast distances and contain trillions of messages from billions of sources. I am envisioning a cosmic party line where everyone could hear anyone's messages. I image these messages could be digital in nature and would be encrypted. Mixing all those encrypted signals together would produce what could appear as a random signal. I am not talking about detecting EM waves, but rather looking at sources of locally produced apparently random signals. We have a name for that kind of thing in our technology; it is called noise.


Noise is a big nuisance in electronic circuits. Engineers work hard to design electronic circuits that amplify very small signals while preserving said signal's fidelity against contaminating random noise. Many electronic components produce noise; even the common resistor produces random noise as individual electrons wander about through their quantum landscape. Reversed biased Zener diodes are an excellent source of random noise. Zener noise signals can be used to make soothing white noise audio outputs. Just as white light is made up of many colors mixed together, white Zener noise contains a wide mixture of frequencies all the way onto the radio range. I have read that the Zener noise can come from several different quantum mechanisms depending how the component is manufactured and how the device is used.

So the question that nags at me is, could an encrypted message be embedded in an apparently random noise signal? I would guess, yes it could. I can imagine a clever programmer  producing a data string that could pass any test for randomness, yet still contain a complex message. An example might be a binary string of a few billion digits of the number Pi. Without knowing that you were looking at the number Pi, the string could pass any test for randomness, yet it is not. A message could be imbedded by changing some of the apparently random digits to other random digits. Detecting what digits had changed would decode into the message. So is there a way to tell if an apparently random signal contains information? I do not think so. And this is exactly what disturbs me.

Actually, what I asked above, may have been a trick question. I believe there is no way to tell if a single random signal contains coded information without having the key, but if the same message is simultaneously encoded into each of two apparently random signals that have different keys, then would that be detectable? I am not trying to decode the encrypted message itself; I am just wondering if it could be demonstrated that the same message was present in both signals. How about three signals, or a million?

If the same signal were present in just any two random noise signals, then something like that would have surely been detected a long time ago. Indeed, the same signal cropping up over and over again in a wire, is the basis of radio reception. But what about the same message, coded with two different keys, producing two different random appearing signals... for that, I'm not so sure anyone would have noticed or looked. It is this fanciful idea, totally unfounded by fact, which I would like to disprove. I aim to design an experiment that would show that these types of signals are not imbedded in electronic random noise.

A Way Forward

I want to put to rest this crazy idea that a coded message can be hidden within a random noise signal. How would I know a coded message if I saw it? The answer is, that I would see the same signal on two different detectors. So whatever I eventually build, I must build at least two of them. The detectors/receivers must be shielded from outside RF signals and light; the signals I want to detect are produced locally inside zener diodes. The signals could be directional and I want to investigate all directions with the detector. I want the detector to be analog in design. The analog output would be sampled by a microprocessor and values stored on my computer for later analysis. I have thought of dozens of strategies for detecting coded signals. I could use one, two, three or more zener signals. I could add, subtract or multiply the raw signals. I could compare the local frequencies or timing of the zener events. I could apply frequency filters and compare outputs. I could compare the areas under the zener curves. Compare the height of the zener pulse. I have seen what appears to be a smaller random signal riding on the back of the main zener signal when the applied voltage is just at the zener threshold. I could digitize any of the above comparisons and apply Boolean logic to them. One zener output could be used as a decryption key for another output. The possibilities are endless and I expect that by the time I finish running experiments, I will not have seen any correlation between two detectors looking at two different random signals. I am hoping to gain some solace there, regardless of how convoluted or misdirected my path.  

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Lociscope Summary

I started this new blog thread to document a dangerously-close-to-the-fringe project that I've been working on for the last couple of months. I was worried that science may have overlooked other ways to communicate long distances without the use of electromagnetic waves (link to Back-Story). I am interested in looking at locally produced point sources of randomness and to demonstrate that they contain no directional component.  

This experiment uses the random sawtooth signal produced by a zener diode in series with a resistor (link to A Simple Zener Diode Circuit and link to Zener Signal Amplification).  The Lociscope uses the line though two zener diode point sources of randomness, to scan an arc across the sky (pole to pole) each minute. As the earth turns on it's axis, the entire cosmos is scanned each day. 

The amount of agreement between the rates of zener discharge is determined every one millisecond. The amount of agreement is converted to a color (red to blue) and is plotted to a celestial coordinate map, with a horizontal axis of 24 hours (Right Ascension) and with a vertical axis of the distance from the ecliptic (Declination). 

The images produced by the Lociscope, appear to be random and homogeneous, with no discernable hot spots or cold spots. I conclude that there are no directional components to this experiment (link to The Lociscope).

Lociscope image 6/11/2016   Click for full size view.